Source code for deltascope.mpTransformation

import deltascope as cranium
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
import os
from functools import partial
from sys import argv
from sys import exc_info
import re
import json

[docs]class paramsClass: ''' A class to read and validate parameters for multiprocessing transformation. Validated parameters can be read as attributes of the object ''' def __init__(self,path): ''' Read json data in config file and validate that parameter inputs are correct :param str path: Complete path to the config file ''' # Read file containing config data and parse json data config_data = open(path).read() params = json.loads(config_data) self.check_config(params,path)
[docs] def add_outdir(self,path): ''' Add out directory as an attribute of the class :param str path: Complete path to the output directory ''' self.outdir = path
[docs] def check_config(self,D,path): ''' Check that each parameter in the config file is correct and raise an error if it isn't :param dict D: Dictionary containing parameters from the config file :param str path: Complete filepath to the config file ''' #Check that the rootdir is valid if D['rootdir'] == '': print('Root directory path (rootdir) is not defined. Modify in',path) raise elif os.path.isdir(D['rootdir']): self.rootdir = D['rootdir'] else: print('Root directory path (rootdir) must specify an existing directory. Modify in',path) raise #Check that c1, structural channel, is defined if D['c1-dir'] == '': print('C1 directory path (c1-dir) is not defined. Modify in',path) raise elif os.path.isdir(D['c1-dir']): self.c1_dir = D['c1-dir'] self.c1_files = os.listdir(self.c1_dir) else: print('C1 directory path (c1-dir) is not defined. Modify in',path) raise #Check c1 key if D['c1-key'] == '': print('C1 directory key (c1-key) is not defined. Modify in',path) raise else: self.c1_key = D['c1-key'] #Check other channels and add to list if valid self.Lcdir = [] self.Lcfiles = [] self.Lckey = [] for d,k in zip(['c2-dir','c3-dir','c4-dir'],['c2-key','c3-key','c4-key']): if D[d] != '': if os.path.isdir(D[d]): self.Lcdir.append(D[d]) self.Lcfiles.append(os.listdir(D[d])) if D[k] == '': print('Channel key (',k,') is not defined. Modify in',path) raise else: self.Lckey.append(D[k]) else: print('Channel directory path (',d,') is not defined. Modify in',path) raise #Validate that experiment name is defined if D['expname'] == '': print('Experiment name (expname) is not defined in',path) raise else: self.expname = D['expname'] #Check median threshold value if D['medthresh'] <= 1 and D['medthresh'] >= 0: self.medthresh = D['medthresh'] else: print('Median threshold (medthresh) must be a number between 0 and 1. Modify in',path) raise #Check that radius is an integer if type(D['radius']) == int: self.radius = D['radius'] else: print('Radius input must be an integer. Modify in',path) raise #Check genthresh float between 0 and 1 if D['genthresh'] <= 1 and D['genthresh'] >= 0: self.genthresh = D['genthresh'] else: print('General threshold input must be a number between 0 and 1. Modify in',path) raise #Check format of microns if type(D['microns']) == list: for i in D['microns']: #If it is a float or int if not (type(i) == float) | (type(i) == int): print('Micron inputs must be numeric values. Modify in',path) raise self.microns = D['microns'] else: print('Micron input must be a list of numeric values. Modify in',path) raise #Check degree if type(D['deg']) != int: print('Degree input must be an integer. Modify in',path) raise else: self.deg = D['deg'] #Check that comporder is a list of integers between 0 and 2 if type(D['comporder']) == list: for i in D['comporder']: #Check that it is an int between 0 and 2 if i not in [0,1,2]: print('Comporder input must be a list of integers between 0 and 2. Modify in',path) raise self.comporder = D['comporder'] else: print('Comporder input must be a list of integers between 0 and 2. Modify in',path) raise #Check fit dimensions if type(D['fitdim']) == list: for i in D['fitdim']: if i not in ['x','y','z']: print('Fitdim input must be a list of \'x\', \'y\', or \'z\'. Modify in',path) raise self.fitdim = D['fitdim'] else: print('Fitdim input must be a list of \'x\', \'y\', or \'z\'. Modify in',path) raise if type(D['twoD']) == bool: self.twoD = D['twoD'] else: print('Specification for 2D transformation must be boolean. Modify in',path) raise self.scale = [1,1,1] print('All parameter inputs are correct')
[docs]def check_nums(P): ''' Check that the numbers of files selected by the same list index match Raises an error if file numbers are mismatched :param :class:`paramClass` P: Object containing all variables from config file ''' Lnums = [] print('hello') for i,f in enumerate(P.c1_files): print(i,f) if 'h5' in f: n = re.findall(r'\d+',f.split('.')[0])[0] print('n',n) for Lf in P.Lcfiles: if n not in Lf[i]: print('File numbers are mismatched between channel directories.') raise Lnums.append(i) return(Lnums)
[docs]def process(num,P=None): ''' Run through the processing steps for a single sample through saving psi files :param int num: Index of the file that is currently being processed :param :class:`paramClass` P: Object containing all variables from config file ''' tic = time.time() print(num,'Starting sample') try: e = cranium.embryo(P.expname,num,P.outdir) #Add channels and preprocess data e.add_channel(os.path.join(P.c1_dir,P.c1_files[num]),P.c1_key) e.chnls[P.c1_key].preprocess_data(P.genthresh,P.scale,P.microns) for i in range(len(P.Lcdir)): e.add_channel(os.path.join(P.Lcdir[i],P.Lcfiles[i][num]),P.Lckey[i]) e.chnls[P.Lckey[i]].preprocess_data(P.genthresh,P.scale,P.microns) #Calculate PCA transformation for structural channel, c1 if P.twoD == True: e.chnls[P.c1_key].calculate_pca_median_2d(e.chnls[P.c1_key].raw_data,P.medthresh,P.radius,P.microns) pca = e.chnls[P.c1_key].pcamed e.chnls[P.c1_key].pca_transform_2d(e.chnls[P.c1_key].df_thresh,pca,P.comporder,P.fitdim,deg=P.deg) #Transform additional channels for i in range(len(P.Lcdir)): e.chnls[P.Lckey[i]].pca_transform_2d(e.chnls[P.Lckey[i]].df_thresh,pca,P.comporder,P.fitdim,deg=P.deg) else: e.chnls[P.c1_key].calculate_pca_median(e.chnls[P.c1_key].raw_data,P.medthresh,P.radius,P.microns) pca = e.chnls[P.c1_key].pcamed e.chnls[P.c1_key].pca_transform_3d(e.chnls[P.c1_key].df_thresh,pca,P.comporder,P.fitdim,deg=P.deg) #Transform additional channels for i in range(len(P.Lcdir)): e.chnls[P.Lckey[i]].pca_transform_3d(e.chnls[P.Lckey[i]].df_thresh,pca,P.comporder,P.fitdim,deg=P.deg) # print(num,'Starting coordinate transformation') # e.chnls[P.c1_key].transform_coordinates() # for i in range(len(P.Lcdir)): # e.chnls[P.Lckey[i]].transform_coordinates() #e.save_psi() columns = ['x','y','z'] for ch in e.chnls.keys(): cranium.write_data(os.path.join(e.outdir,'_'+str(e.number)+'_'+ch+'.psi'), e.chnls[ch].df_align[columns]) toc = time.time() print(num,'Complete',toc-tic) except: toc = time.time() print(num,'Failed',toc-tic,exc_info())
if __name__=='__main__': f,config_path = argv P = paramsClass(config_path) #Create out directory stamped with current date and time outdir = os.path.join(P.rootdir,'Output'+time.strftime("%m-%d-%H-%M",time.localtime())) os.mkdir(outdir) P.add_outdir(outdir) print('outdir',outdir) processfxn = partial(process,P=P) Lnums = check_nums(P) n = len(Lnums) # Initiate map pools in sets of 5 samples for i in range(0,n,5): if i+5>n: L = Lnums[i:n] else: L = Lnums[i:i+5] pool = mp.Pool(),L) pool.close() pool.join()