Source code for deltascope

import os
import json
import numpy as np
import h5py ######### Updated recently and now module can't be started
#import as io
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import itertools as it
import matplotlib as mpl
import multiprocessing as mp
from functools import partial
#import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
#from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import pandas as pd
#import plotly.plotly as py
#import plotly.graph_objs as go
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize,scale
import scipy
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from skimage.filters import median
from skimage.morphology import disk
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from scipy.integrate import simps
import scipy.stats as stats
import re
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
import tqdm
import glob

[docs]class brain: ''' Object to manage biological data and associated functions. ''' def __init__(self): '''Initialize brain object'''
[docs] def setup_test_data(self,size=None,gthresh=0.5,scale=[1,1,1],microns=[0.16,0.16,0.21],mthresh=0.2,radius=20,comp_order=[0,2,1],fit_dim=['x','z'],deg=2): '''Setup a test dataset to use for testing transform coordinates :param int size: Number of points to sample for the test dataset ''' self.read_data(os.path.abspath('..\data\C1\AT_01_Probabilities.h5')) self.preprocess_data(gthresh,scale,microns) self.calculate_pca_median(self.raw_data,mthresh,radius,microns) self.pca_transform_3d(self.df_thresh,self.pcamed,comp_order,fit_dim,deg=deg) = self.fit_model(self.df_align,2,['x','z']) if size!=None: self.df_align = self.df_align.sample(size)
[docs] def read_data(self,filepath): ''' Reads 3D data from file and selects appropriate channel based on the assumption that the channel with the most zeros has zero as the value for no signal :param str filepath: Filepath to hdf5 probability file :return: Creates the variable :attr:`brain.raw_data` .. py:attribute:: brain.raw_data Array of shape [z,y,x] containing raw probability data ''' #Read h5 file and extract probability data f = h5py.File(filepath,'r') #Select either channe0/1 or exported_data d = f.get('exported_data') if d != None: c1 = np.array(d[:,:,:,0]) c2 = np.array(d[:,:,:,1]) elif d == None: c1 = np.array(f.get('channel0')) c2 = np.array(f.get('channel1')) #Figure out which channels has more zeros and therefore is background if np.count_nonzero(c1<0.1) > np.count_nonzero(c1>0.9): #: Array of shape [z,y,x] containing raw probability data self.raw_data = c2 else: #: Array of shape [z,y,x] containing raw probability data self.raw_data = c1
[docs] def create_dataframe(self,data,scale): ''' Creates a pandas dataframe containing the x,y,z and signal/probability value for each point in the :py:attr:`brain.raw_data` array :param array data: Raw probability data in 3D array :param array scale: Array of length three containing the micron values for [x,y,z] :return: Pandas DataFrame with xyz and probability value for each point ''' #NB: scale variable actually contains microns dimensions dim = data.shape xyz = np.zeros((dim[0],dim[1],dim[2],4)) #Generate array with xyz values for each point for x in range(dim[2]): xyz[:,:,x,2] = x xyz[:,:,x,3] = data[:,:,x] zindex = np.arange(0,dim[0],1) yindex = np.arange(0,dim[1],1) gy,gz = np.meshgrid(yindex,zindex) xyz[:,:,x,0] = gz xyz[:,:,x,1] = gy flat = np.reshape(xyz,(-1,4)) #Create dataframe of points and scale to microns df = pd.DataFrame({'x':flat[:,2]*scale[0],'y':flat[:,1]*scale[1],'z':flat[:,0]*scale[2],'value':flat[:,3]}) return(df)
[docs] def plot_projections(self,df,subset): ''' Plots the x, y, and z projections of the input dataframe in a matplotlib plot :param pd.DataFrame df: Dataframe with columns: 'x','y','z' :param float subset: Value between 0 and 1 indicating what percentage of the df to subsample :returns: Matplotlib figure with three labeled scatterplots ''' df = df.sample(frac=subset) #Create figure and subplots fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(131) ay = fig.add_subplot(132) az = fig.add_subplot(133) #Create scatter plot for each projection ax.scatter(df.x,df.z) ay.scatter(df.x,df.y) az.scatter(df.z,df.y) #Plot model xvalues = np.arange(np.min(df.x),np.max(df.x)) ax.plot(xvalues,,c='y') #Add labels ax.set_title('Y projection') ay.set_title('Z projection') az.set_title('X projection') ax.set_xlabel('X') ax.set_ylabel('Z') ay.set_xlabel('X') ay.set_ylabel('Y') az.set_xlabel('Z') az.set_ylabel('Y') #Adjust spacing and show plot plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4) return(fig)
[docs] def preprocess_data(self,threshold,scale,microns): ''' Thresholds and scales data prior to PCA Creates :py:attr:`brain.threshold`, :py:attr:`brain.df_thresh`, and :py:attr:`brain.df_scl` :param float threshold: Value between 0 and 1 to use as a cutoff for minimum pixel value :param array scale: Array with three values representing the constant by which to multiply x,y,z respectively :param array microns: Array with three values representing the x,y,z micron dimensions of the voxel .. py:attribute:: brain.threshold Value used to threshold the data prior to calculating the model .. py:attribute:: brain.df_thresh Dataframe containing only points with values above the specified threshold .. py:attribute:: brain.df_scl Dataframe containing data from :py:attr:`brain.df_thresh` after a scaling value has been applied ''' #: Dataframe with four columns: x,y,z,value with all points in :py:attr:`brain.raw_data` self.df = self.create_dataframe(self.raw_data,microns) #Create new dataframe with values above threshold self.threshold = threshold self.df_thresh = self.df[self.df.value < self.threshold] #Scale xyz by value in scale array to force PCA axis selection self.scale = scale self.df_scl = pd.DataFrame({ 'x':self.df_thresh.x * self.scale[0], 'y':self.df_thresh.y * self.scale[1], 'z':self.df_thresh.z * self.scale[2]})
[docs] def process_alignment_data(self,data,threshold,radius,microns): ''' Applies a median filter twice to the data which is used for alignment Ensures than any noise in the structural data does not interfere with alignment :param array data: Raw data imported by the function :py:func:`brain.read_data` :param float threshold: Value between 0 and 1 to use as a cutoff for minimum pixel value :param int radius: Integer that determines the radius of the circle used for the median filter :param array microns: Array with three values representing the x,y,z micron dimensions of the voxel :returns: Dataframe containing data processed with the median filter and threshold ''' #Iterate over each plane and apply median filter twice self.out = np.zeros(data.shape) for z in range(data.shape[0]): self.out[z] = median(median(data[z],disk(radius)),disk(radius)) outdf = self.create_dataframe(self.out,microns) thresh = outdf[outdf.value != 255] return(thresh)
[docs] def calculate_pca_median(self,data,threshold,radius,microns): ''' Calculate PCA transformation matrix, :py:attr:`brain.pcamed`, based on data (:py:attr:`brain.pcamed`) after applying median filter and threshold :param array data: 3D array containing raw probability data :param float threshold: Value between 0 and 1 indicating the lower cutoff for positive signal :param int radius: Radius of neighborhood that should be considered for the median filter :param array microns: Array with three values representing the x,y,z micron dimensions of the voxel .. py:attribute:: brain.median Pandas dataframe containing data that has been processed with a median filter twice and thresholded .. py:attribute:: brain.pcamed PCA object managing the transformation matrix and any resulting transformations ''' self.median = self.process_alignment_data(data,threshold,radius,microns) self.pcamed = PCA()[['x','y','z']])
[docs] def calculate_pca_median_2d(self,data,threshold,radius,microns): ''' Calculate PCA transformation matrix for 2 dimensions of data, :py:attr:`brain.pcamed`, based on data after applying median filter and threshold .. warning:: `fit_dim` is not used to determine which dimensions to fit. Defaults to x and z :param array data: 3D array containing raw probability data :param float threshold: Value between 0 and 1 indicating the lower cutoff for positive signal :param int radius: Radius of neighborhood that should be considered for the median filter :param array microns: Array with three values representing the x,y,z micron dimensions of the voxel ''' self.median = self.process_alignment_data(data,threshold,radius,microns) self.pcamed = PCA()[['y','z']])
[docs] def pca_transform_2d(self,df,pca,comp_order,fit_dim,deg=2,mm=None,vertex=None,flip=None): ''' Transforms `df` in 2D based on the PCA object, `pca`, whose transformation matrix has already been calculated Calling :py:func:`brain.align_data` creates :py:attr:`brain.df_align` .. warning:: `fit_dim` is not used to determine which dimensions to fit. Defaults to x and z :param pd.DataFrame df: Dataframe containing thresholded xyz data :param pca_object pca: A pca object containing a transformation object, e.g. :py:attr:`brain.pcamed` :param array comp_order: Array specifies the assignment of components to x,y,z. Form [x component index, y component index, z component index], e.g. [0,2,1] :param array fit_dim: Array of length two containing two strings describing the first and second axis for fitting the model, e.g. ['x','z'] :param int deg: (or None) Degree of the function that should be fit to the model. deg=2 by default :param mm: (:py:class:`math_model` or None) Math model for primary channel :param array vertex: (or None) Array of type [vx,vy,vz] (:py:attr:`brain.vertex`) indicating the translation values :param Bool flip: (or None) Boolean value to determine if the data should be rotated by 180 degrees ''' fit = pca.transform(df[['y','z']]) df_fit = pd.DataFrame({ 'x':df.x, 'y':fit[:,comp_order[1]-1], 'z':fit[:,comp_order[2]-1] }) self.align_data(df_fit,fit_dim,deg=2,mm=None,vertex=None,flip=None)
[docs] def pca_transform_3d(self,df,pca,comp_order,fit_dim,deg=2,mm=None,vertex=None,flip=None): ''' Transforms `df` in 3D based on the PCA object, `pca`, whose transformation matrix has already been calculated :param pd.DataFrame df: Dataframe containing thresholded xyz data :param pca_object pca: A pca object containing a transformation object, e.g. :py:attr:`brain.pcamed` :param array comp_order: Array specifies the assignment of components to x,y,z. Form [x component index, y component index, z component index], e.g. [0,2,1] :param array fit_dim: Array of length two containing two strings describing the first and second axis for fitting the model, e.g. ['x','z'] :param int deg: (or None) Degree of the function that should be fit to the model. deg=2 by default :param mm: (:py:class:`math_model` or None) Math model for primary channel :param array vertex: (or None) Array of type [vx,vy,vz] (:py:attr:`brain.vertex`) indicating the translation values :param Bool flip: (or None) Boolean value to determine if the data should be rotated by 180 degrees ''' fit = pca.transform(df[['x','y','z']]) df_fit = pd.DataFrame({ 'x':fit[:,comp_order[0]], 'y':fit[:,comp_order[1]], 'z':fit[:,comp_order[2]] }) self.align_data(df_fit,fit_dim,deg=deg,mm=mm,vertex=vertex,flip=flip)
[docs] def align_data(self,df_fit,fit_dim,deg=2,mm=None,vertex=None,flip=None): ''' Apply PCA transformation matrix and align data so that the vertex is at the origin Creates :py:attr:`brain.df_align` and :py:attr:`` :param pd.DataFrame df: dataframe containing thresholded xyz data :param array comp_order: Array specifies the assignment of components to x,y,z. Form [x component index, y component index, z component index], e.g. [0,2,1] :param array fit_dim: Array of length two containing two strings describing the first and second axis for fitting the model, e.g. ['x','z'] :param int deg: (or None) Degree of the function that should be fit to the model. deg=2 by default :param mm: (:py:class:`math_model` or None) Math model for primary channel :param array vertex: (or None) Array of type [vx,vy,vz] (:py:attr:`brain.vertex`) indicating the translation values :param Bool flip: (or None) Boolean value to determine if the data should be rotated by 180 degrees .. py:attribute:: brain.df_align Dataframe containing point data aligned using PCA .. py:attribute:: Math model object fit to data in brain object ''' #If vertex for translation is not included if vertex == None and deg==2: #Calculate model model = np.polyfit(df_fit[fit_dim[0]],df_fit[fit_dim[1]],deg=deg) p = np.poly1d(model) #Find vertex a = -model[1]/(2*model[0]) if fit_dim[0] == 'x': vx = a if fit_dim[1] == 'y': vy = p(vx) vz = df_fit.z.mean() else: vz = p(vx) vy = df_fit.y.mean() elif fit_dim[0] == 'y': vy = a if fit_dim[1] == 'x': vx = p(a) vz = df_fit.z.mean() else: vz = p(a) vx = df_fit.x.mean() elif fit_dim[0] == 'z': vz = a if fit_dim[1] == 'x': vx = p(a) vy = df_fit.y.mean() else: vy = p(a) vx = df_fit.x.mean() self.vertex = [vx,vy,vz] elif deg == 1: #Calculate model model = np.polyfit(df_fit[fit_dim[0]],df_fit[fit_dim[1]],deg=deg) p = np.poly1d(model) if fit_dim[0] == 'x': vx = df_fit.x.mean() if fit_dim[1] == 'y': vy = p(vx) vz = df_fit.z.mean() else: vz = p(vx) vy = df_fit.y.mean() elif fit_dim[0] == 'y': vy = df_fit.y.mean() if fit_dim[1] == 'x': vx = p(vy) vz = df_fit.z.mean() else: vz = p(vy) vx = df_fit.x.mean() elif fit_dim[0] == 'z': vz = df_fit.z.mean() if fit_dim[1] == 'x': vx = p(vz) vy = df_fit.y.mean() else: vy = p(vz) vx = df_fit.x.mean() self.vertex = [vx,vy,vz] else: self.vertex = vertex #Translate data so that the vertex is at the origin self.df_align = pd.DataFrame({ 'x': df_fit.x - self.vertex[0], 'y': df_fit.y - self.vertex[1], 'z': df_fit.z - self.vertex[2] }) #Rotate data by 180 degrees if necessary if flip == None or flip == False: #Calculate model model = np.polyfit(df_fit[fit_dim[0]],df_fit[fit_dim[1]],deg=deg) p = np.poly1d(model) #If a is less than 0, rotate data if model[0] < 0: self.df_align = self.flip_data(self.df_align) elif flip == True: self.df_align = self.flip_data(self.df_align) #Calculate final math model if mm == None: = self.fit_model(self.df_align,deg,fit_dim) else: = mm
[docs] def flip_data(self,df): ''' Rotate data by 180 degrees :param dataframe df: Pandas dataframe containing x,y,z data :returns: Rotated dataframe ''' r = np.array([[np.cos(np.pi),0,np.sin(np.pi)], [0,1,0], [-np.sin(np.pi),0,np.cos(np.pi)]]) rot =,r) dfr = pd.DataFrame({'x':rot[:,0],'y':rot[:,1],'z':rot[:,2]}) return(dfr)
[docs] def fit_model(self,df,deg,fit_dim): '''Fit model to dataframe :param pd.DataFrame df: Dataframe containing at least x,y,z :param int deg: Degree of the function that should be fit to the model :param array fit_dim: Array of length two containing two strings describing the first and second axis for fitting the model, e.g. ['x','z'] :returns: math model :rtype: :py:class:`math_model` ''' mm = math_model(np.polyfit(df[fit_dim[0]], df[fit_dim[1]], deg=deg)) return(mm)
###### Functions associated with alpha, r, theta coordinate system ######
[docs] def find_distance(self,t,point): ''' Find euclidean distance between math model(t) and data point in the xy plane :param float t: float value defining point on the line :param array point: array [x,y] defining data point :returns: distance between the two points :rtype: float ''' x = float(t) z = #Calculate distance between two points passed as array dist = np.linalg.norm(point - np.array([x,z])) return(dist)
[docs] def find_min_distance(self,row): ''' Find the point on the curve that produces the minimum distance between the point and the data point using scipy.optimize.minimize(:py:func:`brain.find_distance`) :param pd.Series row: row from dataframe in the form of a pandas Series :returns: point in the curve (xc, yc, zc) and r :rtype: floats ''' dpoint = np.array([row.x,row.z]) #Use scipy.optimize.minimize to find minimum solution of brain.find_distance, #dpoint[0] is starting guess for x value result = minimize(self.find_distance, dpoint[0], args=(dpoint)) x = result['x'][0] y = 0 z = #r = result['fun'] return(x,y,z)
#return(pd.Series({'xc':x, 'yc':y, 'zc':z, 'r':r}))
[docs] def integrand(self,x): ''' Function to integrate to calculate arclength :param float x: integer value for x :returns: arclength value for integrating :rtype: float ''' y_prime =[0]*2*x +[1] arclength = np.sqrt(1 + y_prime**2) return(arclength)
[docs] def find_arclength(self,xc): ''' Calculate arclength by integrating the derivative of the math model in xy plane .. math:: \int_{vertex}^{point} \sqrt{1 + (2ax + b)^2} :param float row: Postion in the x axis along the curve :returns: Length of the arc along the curve between the row and the vertex :rtype: float ''' ac,err = scipy.integrate.quad(self.integrand,xc,0) return(ac)
[docs] def find_theta(self,row,zc,yc): ''' Calculate theta for a row containing data point in relationship to the xz plane :param pd.Series row: row from dataframe in the form of a pandas Series :param float yc: Y position of the closest point in the curve to the data point :param float zc: Z position of the closest point in the curve to the data point :returns: theta, angle between point and the model plane :rtype: float ''' theta = np.arctan2(row.y-yc,row.z-zc) return(theta)
[docs] def find_r(self,row,zc,yc,xc): ''' Calculate r using the Pythagorean theorem :param pd.Series row: row from dataframe in the form of a pandas Series :param float yc: Y position of the closest point in the curve to the data point :param float zc: Z position of the closest point in the curve to the data point :param float xc: X position of hte closest point in the curve to the data point :returns: r, distance between the point and the model :rtype: float ''' r = np.sqrt((row.z-zc)**2 + (row.y-yc)**2 + (row.x-xc)**2) return(r)
[docs] def calc_coord(self,row): ''' Calculate alpah, r, theta for a particular row :param pd.Series row: row from dataframe in the form of a pandas Series :returns: pd.Series populated with coordinate of closest point on the math model, r, theta, and ac (arclength) ''' xc,yc,zc = self.find_min_distance(row) ac = self.find_arclength(xc) theta = self.find_theta(row,zc,yc) r = self.find_r(row,zc,yc,xc) return(pd.Series({'x':row.x,'y':row.y,'z':row.z,'xc':xc, 'yc':yc, 'zc':zc, 'r':r, 'ac':ac, 'theta':theta}))
[docs] def transform_coordinates(self): ''' Transform coordinate system so that each point is defined relative to math model by (alpha,theta,r) (only applied to :py:attr:`brain.df_align`) :returns: appends columns r, xc, yc, zc, ac, theta to :py:attr:`brain.df_align` ''' #Calculate alpha, theta, r for each row in dataset self.df_align = self.df_align.merge(self.df_align.apply((lambda row: self.calc_coord(row)), axis=1))
[docs] def subset_data(self,df,sample_frac=0.5): ''' Takes a random sample of the data based on the value between 0 and 1 defined for sample_frac Creates the variable :py:attr:`brain.subset` :param pd.DataFrame: Dataframe which will be sampled :param float sample_frac: (or None) Value between 0 and 1 specifying proportion of the dataset that should be randomly sampled for plotting .. py:attribute:: brain.subset Random sample of the input dataframe ''' self.subset = df.sample(frac=sample_frac)
[docs] def add_thresh_df(self,df): ''' Adds dataframe of thresholded and transformed data to :py:attr:`brain.df_thresh` :param pd.DataFrame df: dataframe of thesholded and transformed data :returns: :py:attr:`brain.df_thresh` ''' self.df_thresh = df
[docs] def add_aligned_df(self,df): ''' Adds dataframe of aligned data .. warning:: Calculates model, but assumes that the dimensions of the fit are x and z :param pd.DataFrame df: Dataframe of aligned data :returns: :py:attr:`brain.df_align` ''' self.df_align = df = self.fit_model(self.df_align,2,['x','z'])
[docs]class embryo: ''' Class to managed multiple brain objects in a multichannel sample :param str name: Name of this sample set :param str number: Sample number corresponding to this embryo :param str outdir: Path to directory for output files .. py:attribute:: embryo.chnls Dictionary containing the :py:class:`brain` object for each channel .. py:attribute:: embryo.outdir Path to directory for output files .. py:attribute:: Name of this sample set .. py:attribute:: embryo.number Sample number corresponding to this embryo ''' def __init__(self,name,number,outdir): '''Initialize embryo object''' self.chnls = {} self.outdir = outdir = name self.number = number
[docs] def add_channel(self,filepath,key): ''' Add channel to :py:attr:`embryo.chnls` dictionary :param str filepath: Complete filepath to image :param str key: Name of the channel ''' s = brain() s.read_data(filepath) self.chnls[key] = s
[docs] def process_channels(self,mthresh,gthresh,radius,scale,microns,deg,primary_key,comp_order,fit_dim): ''' Process all channels through the production of the :py:attr:`brain.df_align` dataframe :param float mthresh: Value between 0 and 1 to use as a cutoff for minimum pixel value for median data :param float gthresh: Value between 0 and 1 to use as a cutoff for minimum pixel value for general data :param int radius: Size of the neighborhood area to examine with median filter :param array scale: Array with three values representing the constant by which to multiply x,y,z respectively :param array microns: Array with three values representing the x,y,z micron dimensions of the voxel :param int deg: Degree of the function that should be fit to the model :param str primary_key: Key for the primary structural channel which PCA and the model should be fit too :param array comp_order: Array specifies the assignment of components to x,y,z. Form [x component index, y component index, z component index], e.g. [0,2,1] :param array fit_dim: Array of length two containing two strings describing the first and second axis for fitting the model, e.g. ['x','z'] ''' #Process primary channel self.chnls[primary_key].preprocess_data(gthresh,scale,microns) self.chnls[primary_key].calculate_pca_median(self.chnls[primary_key].raw_data, mthresh,radius,microns) self.pca = self.chnls[primary_key].pcamed self.chnls[primary_key].align_data(self.chnls[primary_key].df_thresh, self.pca,comp_order,fit_dim,deg=deg) = self.chnls[primary_key].mm self.vertex = self.chnls[primary_key].vertex self.chnls[primary_key].transform_coordinates() print('Primary channel',primary_key,'processing complete') for ch in self.chnls.keys(): if ch != primary_key: self.chnls[ch].preprocess_data(gthresh,scale,microns) self.chnls[ch].align_data(self.chnls[ch].df_thresh, self.pca,comp_order,fit_dim,deg=deg, mm =, vertex = self.vertex) self.chnls[ch].transform_coordinates() print(ch,'processed')
[docs] def save_projections(self,subset): ''' Save projections of both channels into png files in :py:attr:`embryo.outdir` following the naming scheme [:py:attr:``]_[:py:attr:`embryo.number`]_[`channel name`]_MIP.png :param float subset: Value between 0 and 1 to specify the fraction of the data to randomly sample for plotting ''' for ch in self.chnls.keys(): fig = self.chnls[ch].plot_projections(self.chnls[ch].df_align,subset) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.outdir,'_'+self.number+'_'+ch+'_MIP.png')) print('Projections generated')
[docs] def save_psi(self): ''' Save all channels into psi files following the naming scheme [:py:attr:``]_[:py:attr:`embryo.number`]_[`channel name`].psi ''' columns = ['x','y','z','ac','r','theta'] for ch in self.chnls.keys(): write_data(os.path.join(self.outdir,'_'+str(self.number)+'_'+ch+'.psi'), self.chnls[ch].df_align[columns]) print('PSIs generated')
[docs] def add_psi_data(self,filepath,key): ''' Read psi data into a channel dataframe :param str filepath: Complete filepath to data :param str key: Descriptive key for channel dataframe in dictionary ''' self.chnls[key] = read_psi(filepath)
[docs]class math_model: ''' Object to contain attributes associated with the math model of a sample :param array model: Array of coefficients calculated by np.polyfit .. py:attribute:: Array of coefficients for the math model .. py:attribute:: math_model.p Poly1d function for the math model to allow calculation and plotting of the model ''' def __init__(self,model): = model self.p = np.poly1d(model)
####### Alignment correction functions#########
[docs]def find_anchors(df,dim): ''':param str dim: either y or z''' mm = math_model(np.polyfit(df['x'],df[dim],2)) pt1 = {} if[0] > 0: pt1[dim] = np.max(df[dim]) else: pt1[dim] = np.min(df[dim]) pt1['x'] = df[df[dim] == pt1[dim]].x.values[0] pt2 = {} if abs(pt1['x']-np.min(df.x)) > abs(pt1['x']-np.max(df.x)): pt2['x'] = np.min(df.x) else: pt2['x'] = np.max(df.x) pt2[dim] = df[df.x == pt2['x']][dim].values[0] return(pt1,pt2)
def calc_rotation(pts,d): dx = (pts.iloc[0].x - pts.iloc[1].x)/2 dy = (pts.iloc[0][d] - pts.iloc[1][d])/2 mp = [pts.iloc[1].x + dx, pts.iloc[1][d] + dy] phi = np.arctan2(dy,dx) if d == 'y': A = np.array([[np.cos(phi),-np.sin(phi),0], [np.sin(phi),np.cos(phi),0], [0,0,1]]) else: A = np.array([[np.cos(phi),0,-np.sin(phi)], [0,1,0], [np.sin(phi),0,np.cos(phi)]]) return(mp,A) def cant_correction(df,d): pts = find_anchors(df,d) mp,A = calc_rotation(pts,d) rot =[['x','y','z']]),A) rdf = pd.DataFrame({'x':rot[:,0],'y':rot[:,1],'z':rot[:,2]}) return(rdf)
[docs]class landmarks: ''' Class to handle calculation of landmarks to describe structural data :param list percbins: (or None) Must be a list of integers between 0 and 100 :param int rnull: (or None) When the r value cannot be calculated it will be set to this value .. py:attribute:: brain.lm_wt_rf pd.DataFrame, which wildtype landmarks will be added to .. py:attribute:: brain.lm_mt_rf pd.DataFrame, which mutant landmarks will be added to .. py:attribute:: brain.rnull Integer specifying the value which null landmark calculations will be set to .. py:attribute:: brain.percbins Integer specifying the percentiles which will be used to calculate landmarks ''' def __init__(self,percbins=[10,50,90],rnull=15): self.lm_wt_rf = pd.DataFrame() self.lm_mt_rf = pd.DataFrame() self.rnull = rnull self.percbins = percbins
[docs] def calc_bins(self,Ldf,ac_num,tstep): ''' Calculates alpha and theta bins based on ac_num and tstep Creates :py:attr:`landmarks.acbins` and :py:attr:`landmarks.tbins` .. warning:: `tstep` does not handle scenarios where 2pi is not evenly divisible by tstep :param dict Ldf: Dict dataframes that are being used for the analysis :param int ac_num: Integer indicating the number of divisions that should be made along alpha :param float tstep: The size of each bin used for alpha .. py:attribute:: landmarks.acbins List containing the boundaries of each bin along alpha based on `ac_num` .. py:attribute:: landmarks.tbins List containing the boundaries of each bin along theta based on `tstep` ''' Ldf = Ldf.values() #Find the minimum and maximum values of alpha in the dataset acmin,acmax = 0,0 for df in Ldf: if < acmin: acmin = if > acmax: acmax = #Correct min and max values so that arclength is equal on each side if abs(acmin) > acmax: self.acbins = np.linspace(acmin,abs(acmin),ac_num) else: self.acbins = np.linspace(-acmax,acmax,ac_num) #Calculate tbins divisions based on tstep self.tbins = np.arange(-np.pi,np.pi+tstep,tstep)
[docs] def calc_perc(self,df,snum,dtype,out): ''' Calculate landmarks for a dataframe based on the bins and percentiles that have been previously defined :param pd.DataFrame df: Dataframe containing columns x,y,z,alpha,r,theta :param str snum: String containing a sample identifier that can be converted to an integer :param str dtype: String describing the sample group to which the sample belongs, e.g. control or experimental :returns: pd.DataFrame with new landmarks appended ''' D = {'stype':dtype} #Go through each arclength bins for a in range(len(self.acbins)): if a+1 < len(self.acbins): arange = [self.acbins[a],self.acbins[a+1]] #Go through each theta bin for t in range(len(self.tbins)): if t+1 < len(self.tbins): trange = [self.tbins[t],self.tbins[t+1]] #Go through each percentile for p in self.percbins: d = df[( > arange[0]) & ( < arange[1])] d = d[(d.theta > trange[0]) & (d.theta < trange[1])] #Try to calculate percentile, but set to null if it fails try: r = np.percentile(d.r,p) pts = d[d.r < r].count()['i'] except: r = self.rnull pts = 0 #Create name of column based on bins L = [] for s in [arange[0],arange[1],trange[0],trange[1]]: L.append(str(np.around(s,decimals=2))) name = '_'.join(L) D[name+'_'+str(p)+'_pts'] = pts D[name+'_'+str(p)+'_r'] = r out = out.append(pd.Series(D,name=int(snum))) return(out)
[docs] def calc_wt_reformat(self,df,snum): ''' .. warning:: Deprecated function, but includes code pertaining to calculating point based data ''' D = {'stype':'wildtype'} for a in range(len(self.acbins)): if a+1 < len(self.acbins): arange = [self.acbins[a],self.acbins[a+1]] for t in range(len(self.tbins)): if t+1 < len(self.tbins): trange = [self.tbins[t],self.tbins[t+1]] for p in self.percbins: d = df[( > arange[0]) & ( < arange[1])] d = d[(d.theta > trange[0]) & (d.theta < trange[1])] try: r = np.percentile(d.r,p) pts = d[d.r < r].count()['i'] except: r = self.rnull pts = 0 L = [] for s in [arange[0],arange[1],trange[0],trange[1]]: L.append(str(np.around(s,decimals=2))) name = '_'.join(L) D[name+'_'+str(p)+'_pts-pts'] = pts D[name+'_'+str(p)+'_perc-pts'] = pts D[name+'_'+str(p)+'_pts-r'] = r D[name+'_'+str(p)+'_perc-r'] = r self.lm_wt_rf = self.lm_wt_rf.append(pd.Series(D,name=int(snum)))
[docs] def calc_mt_landmarks(self,df,snum,wt): ''' .. warning:: Deprecated function, but attempted to calculate mutant landmarks based on the number of points found in the wildtype standard ''' D = {'stype':'mutant'} for c in wt.columns: if len(c.split('_')) == 6: amn,amx,tmn,tmx,p,dtype = c.split('_') p = int(p) # print(c) # print(df.count()['i']) d = df[( > float(amn))&( < float(amx))] # print(d.count()['i']) d = d[(d.theta > float(tmn))&(d.theta < float(tmx))] # print(d.count()['i']) if dtype.split('-')[0] == 'perc': try: perc_r = np.percentile(d.r,p) perc_pts = d[d.r < perc_r] except: perc_r = self.rnull perc_pts = 0 if dtype.split('-')[1] == 'r': D[c] = perc_r else: D[c] = perc_pts else: if dtype.split('-')[1] == 'pts': #Calculate precent of points by dividing pts by total pts p = wt[c].mean()/d.count()['i'] try: pt_r = np.percentile(d.r,p) except: pt_r = self.rnull D[c] = pt_r else: D[c] = np.nan self.lm_mt_rf = self.lm_mt_rf.append(pd.Series(D,name=int(snum)))
[docs]def reformat_to_cart(df): ''' Take a dataframe in which columns contain the bin parameters and convert to a cartesian coordinate system :param pd.DataFrame df: Dataframe containing columns with string names that contain the bin parameter :returns: pd.DataFrame with each landmark as a row and columns: x,y,z,r,r_std,t,pts ''' ndf = pd.DataFrame() for c in df.columns: if len(c.split('_')) == 6: amn,amx,tmn,tmx,p,dtype = c.split('_') x = np.mean([float(amn),float(amx)]) t = np.mean([float(tmn),float(tmx)]) if dtype == 'r': r = np.mean(df[c]) r_std = stats.sem(df[c]) y = np.sin(t)*r z = np.cos(t)*r pts = np.mean(df['_'.join([amn,amx,tmn,tmx,p,'pts'])]) D = pd.Series({'x':x,'y':y,'z':z,'r':r,'r_sem':r_std,'t':t,'pts':pts}) ndf = ndf.append(pd.Series(D),ignore_index=True) return(ndf)
[docs]def convert_to_arr(xarr,tarr,DT,mdf,Ldf=[]): ''' Convert a pandas dataframe containing landmarks as columns and samples as rows into a 3D numpy array The columns of `mdf` determine which landmarks will be saved into the array. Any additional dataframes that need to be converted can be included in Ldf :param np.array xarr: Array containing all unique x values of landmarks in the dataset :param np.array tarr: Array containing all unique t values of landmarks in the dataset :param str DT: Either ``r`` or ``pts`` indicating which data type should be saved to the array :param pd.DataFrame mdf: Main landmark dataframe containing landmarks as columns and samples as rows :param list Ldf: List of additional pd.DataFrames that should also be converted to arrays :returns: Array of the main dataframe and list of arrays converted from Ldf ''' marr = np.zeros((len(xarr),len(tarr),len(mdf.index))) xarr = np.round(xarr,2) tarr = np.round(tarr,2) Larr = [] for df in Ldf: Larr.append(np.zeros((len(xarr),len(tarr),len(df.index)))) for c in mdf.columns: if len(c.split('_')) == 6: amn,amx,tmn,tmx,p,dtype = c.split('_') x = float(amn)#np.mean([float(amn),float(amx)]) t = float(tmn) #np.mean([float(tmn),float(tmx)]) if dtype == DT: marr[np.where(xarr==x)[0],np.where(tarr==t)[0]] = mdf[c] for arr,df in zip(Larr,Ldf): arr[np.where(xarr==x)[0],np.where(tarr==t)[0]] = df[c] return(marr,Larr)
[docs]def calc_variance(anum,dfs): ''' Calculate the variance between samples according to bin position and variance between adjacent bins :param int anum: Number of bins which the arclength axis should be divided into :param dict dfs: Dictionary of dfs which are going to be processed :returns: Two arrays: svar (anum,tnum) and bvar (anum*tnum,snum) :rtype: np.array ''' #Set up bins lm = landmarks(percbins=[50],rnull=15) lm.calc_bins(dfs.values(),anum,np.pi/4) #Calculate landmarks outlm = pd.DataFrame() for k in dfs.keys(): outlm = lm.calc_perc(dfs[k],k,'wt',outlm) #Convert to arr for variance calculation lmarr,arr = convert_to_arr(lm.acbins,lm.tbins,outlm) svar = np.var(lmarr,axis=2) Lvar = [] for i in range(1,len(lm.acbins)-2): for t in range(0,len(lm.tbins)): #Save the variance of a particular bin and adjacent neighbors across a set of samples Lvar.append(np.var(lmarr[i-1:i+2,t],axis=0)) return(svar,np.array(Lvar))
class anumSelect: def __init__(self,dfs): ''' A class that assists in selecting the optimum value of anum :param dict dfs: Dictionary of pd.DataFrames with samples to use for optimization .. attribute:: anumSelect.dfs Dictionary of dataframes that will be used for the parameter sweep .. attribute:: anumSelect.Lsv List of sample variance arrays for each anum in the sweep .. attribute:: anumSelect.Lbv List of bin variance arrays for each anum in the sweep .. attribute:: anumSelect.Msv List of values of the average sample variance for each anum in the sweep .. attribute:: anumSelect.Mbv List of values of the average bin variance for each anum in the sweep .. attribute:: anumSelect.Llm List of landmark arrays for each anum in the sweep ''' self.dfs = dfs self.Lsv,self.Lbv = [],[] self.Msv,self.Mbv = [],[] self.Llm = [] def calc_variance(self,anum,tstep,percbins,rnull,DT): ''' Calculate the variance between samples according to bin position and variance between adjacent bins :param int anum: Number of bins which the arclength axis should be divided into :param float tstep: The size of each bin used for alpha :param dict dfs: Dictionary of dfs which are going to be processed :param list percbins: Must be a list of integers between 0 and 100 :param int rnull: When the r value cannot be calculated it will be set to this value :param str DT: Data type for which variance is measured, e.g. ``r`` or ``pts`` ''' #Set up bins lm = landmarks(percbins=percbins,rnull=rnull) lm.calc_bins(self.dfs,anum,tstep) #Calculate landmarks outlm = pd.DataFrame() for k in self.dfs.keys(): outlm = lm.calc_perc(self.dfs[k],k,'s',outlm) #Convert to arr for variance calculations lmarr,arr = convert_to_arr(lm.acbins,lm.tbins,DT,outlm) self.Llm.append(lmarr) #Calculate variance between samples svar = np.nanvar(lmarr,axis=2) #Calculate variance between bins Lvar = [] for i in range(1,len(lm.acbins-2)): for t in range(0,len(lm.tbins)): Lvar.append(np.nanvar(lmarr[i-1:i+2,t],axis=0)) self.Lsv.append(svar) self.Msv.append(np.nanmean(svar)) self.Lbv.append(np.array(Lvar)) self.Mbv.append(np.nanmean(np.array(Lvar))) print(anum,'calculation complete') def param_sweep(self,tstep,amn=2,amx=50,astep=1,percbins=[50],rnull=15,DT='pts'): ''' Calculate landmarks for each value of anum specified in input range :param float tstep: The size of each theta wedge in radians :param int amn: The minimum number of alpha bins that should be considered :param int amx: The maximum number of alpha bins that should be considered :param int astep: The step size in the range of amn to amx :param list percbins: (or None) Must be a list of integers between 0 and 100 :param int rnull: (or None) When the r value cannot be calculated it will be set to this value :param str DT: Default=``pts`` Data type for which variance is measured, e.g. ``r`` or ``pts`` .. attribute:: anumSelect.amn User defined minimum number of alpha bins considered in sweep .. attribute:: anumSelect.amx User defined maximum number of alpha bins considered in sweep .. attribute:: anumSelect.astep The step size in the range of amn to amx ''' self.amn,self.amx,self.astep = amn,amx,astep for a in np.arange(self.amn,self.amx,self.astep): self.calc_variance(a,tstep,percbins,rnull,DT) print('Parameter sweep complete') def plot_rawdata(self): ''' Plot raw data from parameter sweep ''' x = np.arange(self.amn,self.amx,self.astep) fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x,self.Mbv[2:],c='b',ls='--',label='Raw Bin Variance') ax.plot(x,self.Msv[2:],c='g',ls='--',label='Raw Sample Variance') ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('Number of Alpha Bins') ax.set_ylabel('Relative Variance') def plot_fitted(self,dof): ''' Plot polynomial fits over the raw data :param int dof: Degree of the polynomial function to be fit ''' x = np.arange(self.amn,self.amx,self.astep) fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x,self.Mbv[2:],c='b',ls='--',label='Raw Bin Variance') ax.plot(x,self.Msv[2:],c='g',ls='--',label='Raw Sample Variance') pbv = np.polyfit(x,self.Mbv[2:],dof) fbv = np.poly1d(pbv) ax.plot(x,fbv(x),c='b',label='Fit Bin Variance') psv = np.polyfit(x,self.Msv[2:],dof) fsv = np.poly1d(psv) ax.plot(x,fsv(x),c='g',label='Fit Sample Variance') ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('Number of Alpha Bins') ax.set_ylabel('Relative Variance') def find_optimum_anum(self,dof,guess): ''' Calculate optimum anum and plot :param int dof: Degree of the polynomial function to be fit :param int guess: Best guess of the optimum anum, which cannot be less than the maximum bin variance ''' x = np.arange(self.amn,self.amx,self.astep) fig,ax = plt.subplots() pbv = np.polyfit(x,normalize(self.Mbv[2:])[0],dof) fbv = np.poly1d(pbv) ax.plot(x,fbv(x),c='b',label='Bin Variance') psv = np.polyfit(x,normalize(self.Msv[2:])[0],dof) fsv = np.poly1d(psv) ax.plot(x,fsv(x),c='g',label='Sample Variance') opt = minimize(fbv+fsv,guess) ax.axvline(opt.x,c='r',label='Optimum: '+str(np.round(opt.x[0],2))) ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('Number of Alpha Bins') ax.set_ylabel('Relative Variance') class graphSet: def __init__(self,tpairs,xarr,tarr): ''' This object manages subobjects containing sample data, :class:`graphData`, and generates the appropriate landmark graph :param np.array tpairs: A list that specifies which theta bins should be paired together for graphing :param np.array xarr: An array listing the bin division points along alpha :param np.array tarr: Array listing the bin division points along theta .. attribute:: graphSet.tpairs A list that specifies which theta bins should be paired together for graphing .. attribute:: graphSet.xarr An array listing the bin division points along alpha .. attribute:: graphSet.tarr Array listing the bin division points along theta ''' self.tpairs,self.xarr,self.tarr = tpairs,xarr,tarr self.Ls,self.Lc = [],[] self.Ds, self.Dc = {},{} def add_data(self,gD,stype,ctype,dtype): ''' Add :class:`graphData` object with descriptive tags of stype,ctype,color :param obj gD: graphData object initialized for one sample set :param str stype: String describing the sample type :param str ctype: String describing channel type :param str dtype: Either ``pts`` or ``r`` specifies which type of landmark data will be used ''' gD.prepare_data(self.xarr,self.tarr,dtype) self.add_to_dict(self.Ds,stype,ctype,gD) self.add_to_dict(self.Dc,ctype,stype,gD) #self.Ds.setdefault(stype).append({ctype:gD}) #self.Dc.setdefault(ctype).append({stype:gD}) self.Ls.append(stype) self.Lc.append(ctype) def add_to_dict(self,D,k1,k2,item): '''Add :class:`graphData` object to a dictionary checking for exisiting keys :param dict D: the dictionary which the data will be added to :param str k1: Key for the first index into the Dictionary :param str k2: Key for the second internal dictionary :param obj item: :class:`graphData` object ''' if k1 in D.keys(): D[k1][k2] = item else: D[k1] = {k2:item} def start_figure(self,figsize=(10,8)): self.LsUn = np.unique(self.Ls) self.LcUn = np.unique(self.Lc) self.fig,self.axr = plt.subplots(4,len(self.LsUn),figsize=figsize,sharey=True) def add_plot(self,go,c,s,j,a=0.3): # go = self.Dc[c][s] for i,p in enumerate(self.tpairs): ti1 = np.where(self.tarr==p[0])[0][0] ti2 = np.where(self.tarr==p[1])[0][0] self.axr[i,j].fill_between(self.xarr,go.avg[:,ti1]+go.sem[:,ti1],go.avg[:,ti1]-go.sem[:,ti1],alpha=a,color=go.c,zorder=1) self.axr[i,j].fill_between(self.xarr,-go.avg[:,ti2]+go.sem[:,ti2],-go.avg[:,ti2]-go.sem[:,ti2],alpha=a,color=go.c,zorder=1) self.axr[i,j].plot(self.xarr,go.avg[:,ti1],c=go.c,zorder=2,label=c+s) self.axr[i,j].plot(self.xarr,-go.avg[:,ti2],c=go.c,zorder=2) def add_legends(self,I,J): for i in range(I): for j in range(J): self.axr[i,j].legend() def make_figure(self,a,mt_key,figsize=(10,8),P=True,pthresh=None,cbar=False): ''' Creates a figure showing four theta slices and as many columns as ctypes .. todo:: P value scatter plot is broken .. todo:: Control p val for multiple testing :param float a: Alpha value for fill_between ribbons :param str mt_key: String indicating the data type of the experimental group :param tuple figsize: Tuple specifying the height and width of the figure :param bool P: True if pvalue should be plotted :param float pthresh: None or float value for p-value threshold :param bool cbar: Default false, if true plots colorbar for p values .. attribute:: graphSet.fig Figure object created by :func:`graphSet.make_figure` .. attribute:: graphSet.axr Subplot axis array created by :func:`graphSet.make_figure` ''' self.LsUn = np.unique(self.Ls) self.LcUn = np.unique(self.Lc) self.fig,self.axr = plt.subplots(4,len(self.LsUn),figsize=figsize,sharey=True) for j,c in enumerate(self.LcUn): dc = self.Dc[c] parr = stats.ttest_ind(dc[self.LsUn[0]].arr_masked,dc[self.LsUn[1]].arr_masked,axis=2,nan_policy='omit')[1] if pthresh != None: bhthresh = pthresh/(len(self.xarr)*len(self.tarr)) parr[parr<pthresh] = 0 parr[parr>pthresh] = 1 print(bhthresh) for i,p in enumerate(self.tpairs): for s in self.LsUn: go = dc[s] ti1 = np.where(self.tarr==p[0])[0][0] ti2 = np.where(self.tarr==p[1])[0][0] self.axr[i,j].fill_between(self.xarr,go.avg[:,ti1]+go.sem[:,ti1],go.avg[:,ti1]-go.sem[:,ti1],alpha=a,color=go.c,zorder=1) self.axr[i,j].fill_between(self.xarr,-go.avg[:,ti2]+go.sem[:,ti2],-go.avg[:,ti2]-go.sem[:,ti2],alpha=a,color=go.c,zorder=1) self.axr[i,j].plot(self.xarr,go.avg[:,ti1],c=go.c,zorder=2,label=c+s) self.axr[i,j].plot(self.xarr,-go.avg[:,ti2],c=go.c,zorder=2) if (s == mt_key) & (P==True): cax = self.axr[i,j].scatter(self.xarr,go.avg[:,ti1],c=parr[:,ti1],cmap='Greys_r',zorder=3,vmin=0,vmax=1,edgecolors='k') self.axr[i,j].scatter(self.xarr,-go.avg[:,ti2],c=parr[:,ti2],cmap='Greys_r',zorder=3,vmin=0,vmax=1,edgecolors='k') # print('plot pval') if cbar==True: plt.colorbar(cax,ax=self.axr[i,j]) self.axr[i,j].legend() self.axr[i,j].set_xlim([-100,100]) class graphData: def __init__(self,rawdf,color): ''' Object to contain data and attributes needed for graphing landmark dataset :param pd.DataFrame raw: Landmark dataframe with each column as a landmarks :param str color: Hexcode or single letter color code .. attribute:: graphData.c Color code for this dataset .. attribute:: graphData.rawdf Dataframe containing each landmark as a column ''' self.c = color self.rawdf = rawdf def prepare_data(self,xarr,tarr,dtype): ''' Convert to array and calculate average and sem :param arr xarr: List of min and max borders of the alpha bins :param arr tarr: List of min and max borders of the theta bins :param str dtype: Either ``pts`` or ``r`` specifies which data to save to array .. attribute:: graphData.arr Array containing the landmark data for this particular sample .. attribute:: graphData.avg Average of :attr:`graphData.arr` .. attribute:: graphData.sem Standard error of the mean for :attr:`graphData.arr` ''' self.arr,L = convert_to_arr(xarr,tarr,dtype,self.rawdf) nanmask = np.nanmean(self.arr,axis=2)[:,:,np.newaxis] + np.ones((1,1,self.arr.shape[-1])) nanmask = 2*nanmask self.arr_masked = self.arr self.arr_masked[np.isnan(self.arr)] = nanmask[np.isnan(self.arr)] self.avg = np.nanmean(self.arr_masked,axis=2) self.sem = stats.sem(self.arr_masked,axis=2,nan_policy='omit') class treeClassifier: def __init__(self,df): '''A class to manage classifying a landmark dataset using a random forest classifier :param pd.DataFrame df: Landmark dataframe containing both sample types with different keys in the stype column .. attribute:: treeClassifier.df Landmark dataframe containing both sample types with different keys in the stype column ''' self.df = df self.Y = self.df['stype'] print('Sample types:',np.unique(self.Y)) try: self.Xraw = self.df.drop(['stype','Unnamed: 0'],axis=1) except: self.Xraw = self.df.drop(['stype'],axis=1) self.Xnan = self.Xraw.dropna(axis=1,how='all').fillna(self.Xraw.mean()) self.Xsc = scale(self.Xnan) def apply_pca(self,plot=False): '''Find optimal number of components and transform data :param bool plot: If true, a plot showing the pca parameter sweep will be generated .. attribute:: treeClassifier.Xtr :attr:`treeClassifier.Xsc` after transformation by PCA .. attribute:: treeClassifier.n The number of components that captures all of the variability in the data .. attribute:: treeClassifier.comp pd.DataFrame containing :attr:`treeClassifier.n` rows with the weight of each landmark in the column ''' #Parameter sweep for optimum component number evar = [] for i in range(1,100): tpca = PCA(n_components=i) evar.append(tpca.explained_variance_ratio_.sum()) #Find first n that is close to equaling 1 self.n = np.nonzero(np.array(evar)>=0.9999)[0][0] +1 #Accounts for list starting at 1 print(str(self.n),'components accounts for 100 percent of the variability in the data') pca = PCA(n_components=self.n) self.Xtr = pca.transform(self.Xsc) self.comp = pd.DataFrame(pca.components_,columns=self.Xnan.columns) if plot == True: fig,ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(range(1,200),np.array(evar)*100) ax.set_ylabel('Explained Variance (%)') ax.set_xlabel('Number of Components') ax.axvline(self.n,c='r',label='N_components = '+str(n)) ax.legend() def fit_classifier(self,max_features='sqrt',oob_score=True,n_estimators=500): '''Fit a random forest classifer to the transformed data to the trained data :param str max_features: Default=``'sqrt'``. See `sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier`_ for more info. :param bool oob_score: Default=``True``. See `sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier`_ for more info. :param int n_estimators: Default=``500``. See `sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier`_ for more info. .. attribute:: treeClassifier.rftree Random Forest Classifier generated by `sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier`_ .. attributes:: treeClassifier.Importance pd.DataFrame containing the relative importance value for each component .. _sklearn.ensemble.RandomForestClassifier: < ''' self.rftree = RandomForestClassifier(max_features=max_features, oob_score=oob_score, n_estimators=n_estimators),self.Y) self.Importance = pd.DataFrame({'Importance':self.rftree.feature_importances_*100}) self.Importance = self.Importance.sort_values(by='Importance',axis=0,ascending=False) print('Out of Bag score:',str(self.rftree.oob_score_)) def print_top_components(self,index=None,thresh=None): '''Prints a list of top components, which can be limited by index or threshold :param int index: Limits how many components will be shown :param str thresh: Show only components above the minimum threshold set by thresh ''' if type(index)==int: print(self.Importance[self.Importance.index < index]) elif (type(thresh)==int) | (type(thresh)==str): print(self.Importance[self.Importance.Importance > thresh]) else: print(self.Importance) def comp_to_arr(self): '''Converts dataframe of component landmarks to cartesian array .. attribute:: treeClassifier.xarr An array listing the bin division points along alpha .. attribute:: treeClassifier.tarr Array listing the bin division points along theta .. attribute:: treeClassifier.cParr A cartesian array of the dimensions [len(:attr:`treeClassifier.xarr`),len(:attr:`treeClassifier.tarr`),:attr:`treeClassifier.n`] containing the number of points per landmark .. attribute:: treeClassifier.cRarr A cartesian array of the dimensions [len(:attr:`treeClassifier.xarr`),len(:attr:`treeClassifier.tarr`),:attr:`treeClassifier.n`] containing the r distance of the percentile per landmark ''' dfc = reformat_to_cart(self.comp) self.xarr = np.round(np.unique(dfc.x),2) self.tarr = np.round(np.unique(dfc.t),2) self.cParr = np.zeros((len(self.xarr),len(self.tarr),self.n)) self.cRarr = np.zeros((len(self.xarr),len(self.tarr),self.n)) for c in self.comp.columns: if len(c.split('_')) == 6: amn,amx,tmn,tmx,p,dtype = c.split('_') x = np.mean([float(amn),float(amx)]) t = np.mean([float(tmn),float(tmx)]) if dtype=='r': self.cRarr[np.where(self.xarr==np.round(x,2))[0],np.where(self.tarr==np.round(t,2))[0]] = self.comp[c] elif dtype =='pts': self.cParr[np.where(self.xarr==np.round(x,2))[0],np.where(self.tarr==np.round(t,2))[0]] = self.comp[c] def plot_top_components(self,index=None,thresh=None,path=None): '''Plots the r heatmap and pts heatmap according to importance :param int index: Limits how many components will be shown :param str thresh: Show only components above the minimum threshold set by thresh :param str path: Optionally include a path to a directory to save images if desired ''' if type(index)==int: L = self.Importance[self.Importance.index < index] elif (type(thresh)==int) | (type(thresh)==str): L = self.Importance[self.Importance.Importance > thresh] else: L = self.Importance if not hasattr(self,'cParr'): self.comp_to_arr() for i in L.index: fig,axr = plt.subplots(2,2,figsize=(15,4),gridspec_kw={'height_ratios':[1,0.05]}) plt.suptitle('Importance = '+str(L.Importance.iloc[i]),fontsize=16) cb1 = axr[0,0].imshow(np.abs(self.cRarr[:,:,i].T),extent=[self.xarr[0],self.xarr[-1],self.tarr[0],self.tarr[-1]],aspect=10,cmap='viridis') cb2 = axr[0,1].imshow(np.abs(self.cParr[:,:,i].T),extent=[self.xarr[0],self.xarr[-1],self.tarr[0],self.tarr[-1]],aspect=10,cmap='viridis') axr[0,0].set_title(str(i)+'r') plt.colorbar(cb1,cax=axr[1,0],orientation='horizontal') axr[0,1].set_title(str(i)+'pts') plt.colorbar(cb2,cax=axr[1,1],orientation='horizontal') if path != None: if os.path.isdir(path): fig.savefig(os.path.join(path,'Imp_'+str(L.Importance.iloc[i])+'.jpg')) P = { 'zln':2,'zpt':3,'zfb':1, 'wtc':'b','mtc':'r', 'alpha':0.3, 'cmap':'Greys_r', 'xarr':None, 'tarr':None }
[docs]def subplot_lmk(ax,p,avg,sem,parr,xarr,tarr,dtype,Pn=P): ''' Plot a ribbon of average and standard error of the mean onto the subplot, `ax` :param plt.Subplot ax: Matplotlib subplot onto which the data should be plotted :param list p: List of two theta values that should be plotted :param np.array avg: Array of shape (xvalues,tvalues) containing the average values of the data :param np.array sem: Array of shape (xvalues,tvalues) containing the standard error of the mean values of the data :param np.array parr: Array of shape (xvalues,tvalues) containing the p values for the data :param str dtype: String describing sample type :param Pn: Dictionary containing the following values: 'zln':2,'zpt':3,'zfb':1,'wtc':'b','mtc':'r','alpha':0.3,'cmap':'Greys_r' :type: dict or None ''' for k in Pn.keys(): P[k] = Pn[k] if dtype=='wt': c = P['wtc'] else: c = P['mtc'] ti1 = np.where(tarr==p[0])[0][0] ti2 = np.where(tarr==p[1])[0][0] ax.fill_between(xarr,avg[:,ti1]+sem[:,ti1],avg[:,ti1]-sem[:,ti1],alpha=P['alpha'],color=c,zorder=P['zfb']) ax.fill_between(xarr,-avg[:,ti2]+sem[:,ti2],-avg[:,ti2]-sem[:,ti2],alpha=P['alpha'],color=c,zorder=P['zfb']) ax.plot(xarr,avg[:,ti1],c=c,zorder=P['zln']) ax.plot(xarr,-avg[:,ti2],c=c,zorder=P['zln']) if dtype=='mt': ax.scatter(xarr,avg[:,ti1],c=parr[:,ti1],cmap=P['cmap'],zorder=P['zpt']) ax.scatter(xarr,-avg[:,ti2],c=parr[:,ti2],cmap=P['cmap'],zorder=P['zpt'])
##### PSI file processing ############
[docs]def write_header(f): ''' Writes header for PSI file with columns Id,x,y,z,ac,r,theta :param file f: file object created by 'open(filename,'w')` ''' contents = [ 'PSI Format 1.0', '', 'column[0] = "Id"', 'column[1] = "x"', 'column[2] = "y"', 'column[3] = "z"', 'column[4] = "ac"', 'symbol[4] = "A"', 'type[4] = float', 'column[5] = "r"', 'symbol[5] = "R"', 'type[5] = float', 'column[6] = "theta"', 'symbol[6] = "T"', 'type[6] = float' ] for line in contents: f.write('# '+ line + '\n')
[docs]def write_data(filepath,df): ''' Writes data in PSI format to file after writing header using :py:func:`write_header`. Closes file at the conclusion of writing data. :param str filepath: Complete filepath to output file :param pd.DataFrame df: dataframe containing columns x,y,z,ac,r,theta ''' #Open new file at given filepath f = open(filepath,'w') #Write header contents to file write_header(f) n = df.count()['x'] #Write line with sample number f.write('\n'+str(n)+' 0 0\n') #Write translation matrix f.write('1 0 0\n'+ '0 1 0\n'+ '0 0 1\n\n') #Write dataframe to file using pandas to_csv function to format try: f.write(df[['x','y','z','ac','theta','r']].to_csv(sep=' ', index=True, header=False)) except: f.write(df[['x','y','z']].to_csv(sep=' ', index=True, header=False)) f.close() print('Write to',filepath,'complete')
[docs]def read_psi(filepath): ''' Reads psi file at the given filepath and returns data in a pandas DataFrame :param str filepath: Complete filepath to file :returns: pd.Dataframe containing data ''' df = pd.read_csv(filepath, sep=' ', header=19) if len(df.columns) <= 4: df.columns = ['i','x','y','z'] elif len(df.columns) >= 6: df.columns=['i','x','y','z','ac','theta','r'] return(df)
[docs]def read_psi_to_dict(directory,dtype): ''' Read psis from directory into dictionary of dfs with filtering based on dtype :param str directory: Directory to get psis from :param str dtype: Usually 'AT' or 'ZRF1' :returns: Dictionary of pd.DataFrame ''' dfs = {} for f in tqdm.tqdm(os.listdir(directory)): if (dtype in f)&('psi' in f): df = read_psi(os.path.join(directory,f)) num = re.findall(r'\d+',f.split('.')[0])[0] dfs[num] = df return(dfs)
###### Stand alone functions
[docs]def process_sample(num,root,outdir,name,chs,prefixes,threshold,scale,deg,primary_key,comp_order,fit_dim,flip_dim): ''' Process single sample through :py:class:`brain` class and saves df to csv .. warning:: Out of date and will probably fail :param str num: Sample number :param str root: Complete path to the root directory for this sample set :param str name: Name describing this sample set :param str outdir: Complete path to output directory :param array chs: Array containing strings specifying the directories for each channel :param array prefixes: Array containing strings specifying the file prefix for each channel :param float threshold: Value between 0 and 1 to use as a cutoff for minimum pixel value :param array scale: Array with three values representing the constant by which to multiply x,y,z respectively :param int deg: Degree of the function that should be fit to the model :param str primary_key: Key for the primary structural channel which PCA and the model should be fit too ''' tic = time.time() print(num,'Starting',name) e = embryo(name,num,outdir) e.add_channel(os.path.join(root,chs[0],prefixes[0]+'_'+num+'_Probabilities.h5'), 'at') e.add_channel(os.path.join(root,chs[1],prefixes[1]+'_'+num+'_Probabilities.h5'),'zrf1') e.process_channels(threshold,scale,deg,primary_key,[0,2,1],['x','z'],'z') print(num,'Data processing complete',name) e.save_projections(0.1) e.save_psi() toc = time.time() print(name,'complete',toc-tic)
[docs]def calculate_models(Ldf): ''' Calculate model for each dataframe in list and add to new dataframe :param list Ldf: List of dataframes containing aligned data :returns: pd.Dataframe with a,b,c values for parabolic model ''' modeldf = pd.DataFrame({'a':[],'b':[],'c':[]}) for df in Ldf: s = cranium.brain() s.add_aligned_df(df) s.fit_model(s.df_align,2) modeldf = modeldf.append(pd.DataFrame({'a':[[0]],'b':[[1]],'c':[[2]]})) return(modeldf)
[docs]def generate_kde(data,var,x,absv=False): ''' Generate list of KDEs from either dictionary or list of data :param data: pd.DataFrames to convert :type: dict or list :param str var: Name of column to select from df :param array x: Array of datapoints to evaluate KDE on :param bool absv: (or None) Set to True to use absolute value of selected data for KDE calculation :returns: List of KDE arrays ''' L = [] #Dictionary workflow if type(data) == type({}): for key in data.keys(): if absv == False: y = data[key][var].sample(frac=0.1) elif absv == True: y = np.abs(data[key][var].sample(frac=0.1)) kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(y).evaluate(x) L.append(kde) #List workflow elif type(data) == type([]): for df in data: if absv == False: y = df[var].sample(frac=0.1) elif absv == True: y = np.abs(df[var].sample(frac=0.1)) kde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(y).evaluate(x) L.append(kde) return(L)
[docs]def calculate_area_error(pdf,Lkde,x): ''' Calculate area between PDF and each kde in Lkde :param array pdf: Array of probability distribution function that is the same shape as kdes in Lkde :param list Lkde: List of arrays of Kdes :param array x: Array of datapoints used to generate pdf and kdes :returns: List of error values for each kde in Lkde ''' L = [] for kde in Lkde: L.append(simps(np.abs(pdf-kde),x)) return(L)
[docs]def rescale_variable(Ddfs,var,newvar): ''' Rescale variable from -1 to 1 and save in newvar column on original dataframe :param dict Ddfs: Dictionary of pd.DataFrames :param str var: Name of column to select from dfs :param str newvar: Name to use for new data in appended column :returns: Dictionary of dataframes containing column of rescaled data ''' Dout = {} for key in Ddfs.keys(): df = Ddfs[key] y = df[var] #Find min and max values mi,ma = y.min(),y.max() #Divide dataframe dfmin = df[y < 0] dfmax = df[y >= 0] #Add rescaled variable to dataframe dfmin = dfmin.join(pd.DataFrame({newvar:y/np.abs(mi)})) dfmax = dfmax.join(pd.DataFrame({newvar:y/np.abs(ma)})) dfout = dfmin.append(dfmax) Dout[key] = dfout return(Dout)
[docs]class paramsClass: ''' A class to read and validate parameters for multiprocessing transformation. Validated parameters can be read as attributes of the object ''' def __init__(self,path=None,dparams=None): ''' Read json data in config file and validate that parameter inputs are correct :param str path: optional, Complete path to the config file :param dict dparams: optional, Dictionary with configuration parameters ''' if dparams!=None: params = dparams elif path!=None: # Read file containing config data and parse json data config_data = open(path).read() params = json.loads(config_data) else: print('''No valid input in form of path to config file or existing parameter dictionary''') self.check_config(params,path)
[docs] def add_outdir(self,path): ''' Add out directory as an attribute of the class :param str path: Complete path to the output directory ''' self.outdir = path
[docs] def check_config(self,D,path): ''' Check that each parameter in the config file is correct and raise an error if it isn't :param dict D: Dictionary containing parameters from the config file :param str path: Complete filepath to the config file ''' #Check that the rootdir is valid if D['rootdir'] == '': print('Root directory path (rootdir) is not defined. Modify in',path) raise elif os.path.isdir(D['rootdir']): self.rootdir = D['rootdir'] else: print('Root directory path (rootdir) must specify an existing directory. Modify in',path) raise #Check c1 key if D['c1-key'] == '': print('C1 directory key (c1-key) is not defined. Modify in',path) raise else: self.c1_key = D['c1-key'] #Check that c1, structural channel, is defined if D['c1-dir'] == '': print('C1 directory path (c1-dir) is not defined. Modify in',path) raise elif os.path.isdir(D['c1-dir']): self.c1_dir = D['c1-dir'] self.c1_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.c1_dir,D['c1-key']+'*.psi')) else: print('C1 directory path (c1-dir) is not defined. Modify in',path) raise #Check other channels and add to list if valid self.Lcdir = [] self.Lcfiles = [] self.Lckey = [] for d,k in zip(['c2-dir','c3-dir','c4-dir'],['c2-key','c3-key','c4-key']): if D[d] != '': if os.path.isdir(D[d]): self.Lcdir.append(D[d]) self.Lcfiles.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(D[d],D['c1-key']+'*.psi'))) if D[k] == '': print('Channel key (',k,') is not defined. Modify in',path) raise else: self.Lckey.append(D[k]) else: print('Channel directory path (',d,') is not defined. Modify in',path) raise #Validate that experiment name is defined if D['expname'] == '': print('Experiment name (expname) is not defined in',path) raise else: self.expname = D['expname'] #Check median threshold value if D['medthresh'] <= 1 and D['medthresh'] >= 0: self.medthresh = D['medthresh'] else: print('Median threshold (medthresh) must be a number between 0 and 1. Modify in',path) raise #Check that radius is an integer if type(D['radius']) == int: self.radius = D['radius'] else: print('Radius input must be an integer. Modify in',path) raise #Check genthresh float between 0 and 1 if D['genthresh'] <= 1 and D['genthresh'] >= 0: self.genthresh = D['genthresh'] else: print('General threshold input must be a number between 0 and 1. Modify in',path) raise #Check format of microns if type(D['microns']) == list: for i in D['microns']: #If it is a float or int if not (type(i) == float) | (type(i) == int): print('Micron inputs must be numeric values. Modify in',path) raise self.microns = D['microns'] else: print('Micron input must be a list of numeric values. Modify in',path) raise #Check degree if type(D['deg']) != int: print('Degree input must be an integer. Modify in',path) raise else: self.deg = D['deg'] #Check that comporder is a list of integers between 0 and 2 if type(D['comporder']) == list: for i in D['comporder']: #Check that it is an int between 0 and 2 if i not in [0,1,2]: print('Comporder input must be a list of integers between 0 and 2. Modify in',path) raise self.comporder = D['comporder'] else: print('Comporder input must be a list of integers between 0 and 2. Modify in',path) raise #Check fit dimensions if type(D['fitdim']) == list: for i in D['fitdim']: if i not in ['x','y','z']: print('Fitdim input must be a list of \'x\', \'y\', or \'z\'. Modify in',path) raise self.fitdim = D['fitdim'] else: print('Fitdim input must be a list of \'x\', \'y\', or \'z\'. Modify in',path) raise if type(D['twoD']) == bool: self.twoD = D['twoD'] else: print('Specification for 2D transformation must be boolean. Modify in',path) raise self.scale = [1,1,1] print('All parameter inputs are correct')